2007 was the last update to this Profile.
Nancy (Berrigan) Flechtner
Address, phone, email
Super spouse of nearly 34 years -Bill Flechtner
Still teaching and assistant director at Milwaukie Covenant Preschool
- love it still
Children -adult variety-Brian, 30 and Amy, 27
Grandchildren - 4, one due in August
News: Though I haven't been back to Moscow in ages, I still refer to
it as "home". Bill and I are both teachers, love spending
time with our grandkids and especially love to go camping. We also love
to travel - last year we were in London, Amsterdam, Kauai and a few
state and national parks. I am blessed with a great family, super friends,
a fun job, good health and more smiles than tears.
My very best memory of MHS was the hilarious time in Driver's Ed with
Bonnie Martin, Becky Cash and Mr. Sutton. He'd make us pull over, get
out and sit on the curb til we could quit laughing! Hi to all - I'll
be thinking of you in July especially. Keep me posted -- Nancy