2007 was the last update to the Profile.

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Tod Kiblen
Address, phone, email
Hello to everyone, I arrived in Moscow on June 11, 1949 and I am still here. Life is great, I got married to Laural 2 years ago and we have been enjoying each other and life to the max, lots of travel and lake time. I have been at our family title insurance business since high school and after 40 plus years I am selling to my oldest son Dave. Life has been very good to me but there have been some bumps along the way.

I have 4 sons (w/Karen Nearing) and 1 stepson James.

Dave 38, wife Sundae 3 kids
Mike (deceased 36), wife Deanna 5 kids
Andy 32, wife Anji 3 kids
Eric 30 wife, Kyla 1 child
James 23, single
All the boys live in Moscow and life is never dull with 12 grandkids ranging in ages of newborn to 21. At any time of the year there is always a sporting event, concert, birthday, a mini vacation at the lake or a new baby at Gritman, which really keeps us busy and is always exciting at a family get together.

Anxious to see all of you in July.