2007 was the last update to the Profile.

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Janice (Martinson) Lewis
Address, phone, email
Spouse: Rand
Children: 7 children and 7 grand children
Occupation: "The BOSS"

Married Rand (class of '65) almost four years ago. We live on Coeur
d'Alene Lake near Conkling Park Marina and commute to Coeur d'Alene where we
own an appraisal company.

Our son Beau and our daughter Jenni live in Moscow and Jenni has two
beautiful children. Our son Christopher is in Coeur d'Alene and just
graduated from the UI. Ronald and his wife Michelle live in Post Falls with
three adorable children and Ron helps us with the appraisal business. Our
daughter Jill lives in Phoenix with our grandson Grayson, a blue eyed blonde
haired five years old and our son Steven lives in Canyon City, Co with our
grandson Rory. Our daughter Catherine lives in Fairfax, VA and works with
the government.

We are truly blessed with such an awesome family. We keep busy with our
business, vacationing in Hawaii, and a lot of hanging out on the deck of our