2007 was the last update to this Profile.

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John Thomas
Address, phone, email
Spouse: Christie Lane Thomas – 37 years this August
Children: Jodie, 30, Soloist with Pacific Northwest Ballet, Seattle
Jennie, 29, MHS, UW Husky & PhD candidate in Dec. in Physical Chemistry
at UC-Irvine, CA
Andrea, 27, MHS, UI Vandal / Registered Dietician in Tacoma
Occupation: Still looking!

Christie and I have been very blessed. We sold our Moscow home in 2005 and moved to our cabin on Lake Coeur d’Alene. It’s been a lot of fun and a great place for family and friends to gather and have a good time. We enjoy the lake life and North Idaho. Our daughters visit frequently – no grandkids yet though! We are lucky to have all our parents and sibling in our lives.
We sold our construction and heavy hauling businesses several years ago. I worked the last 2 summers as a forest road construction and erosion control consultant. We have 2 rental properties in Moscow and I do the maintenance and up-keep on them. Christie works at the elementary school in Worley and buys my health insurance – Bless her!
I’m still a big sports fan and closely follow several college football and basketball teams.
Christie and I watch lots of sports events in the fall and winter. We also go to the Broadway Shows in Spokane and frequently attend the Ballet in Seattle.
I have a great life and Christie and I are thankful for our health and having one another!